
UPDATE: Return Process

As mentioned in a previous blog post we had issues with the screen on our first Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 and had to return it to Amazon.com. We sent it back on August 30th and Amazon confirmed that they received it on September 5th. By September 7th Amazon.com had issued a full refund. This process was by far one of the easiest returns we have had to do, especially with an expensive electronics item. 

We have decided to purchase another 32 GB Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1, but this time from Best Buy just for a change. Best Buy does not seem to have as easy of a returns policy, but hopefully there are not any problems with this tablet so we won't have to test it.

Since the unfortunate demise of our first tablet has set us back a little expect to see application reviews on The Android Library by the end of next week! Thank you for your patience.